An Inspector Calls
- 1. One Sheet Revision - Writing Introductions - @SPryke2.docx
A guide sheet on how to write a good introductions for An Inspector Calls.
- 2. One Sheet Revision - Integrating AO3 (@SPryke2).docx
A guide and one page revision sheet on how to include context in your Inspector Calls essay response.
Below is a pdf copy of the play, so you can read/re-read it at your leisure.
'An Inspector Calls' Exam Questions- plan them, then answer them, with appropriate timings.
Three log books for each scene of An Inspector Calls- use these as you re-read each scene at home, noting down the important elements. Each one has an essay-style question attached too (but these are scene specific- the exam will ask you about the entire play).
Here's some in-depth character analysis on Arthur Birling, Sheila Birling, and Gerald Croft. You could use the same ideas here to make your own revision mats based on Sybil Birling, Eric Birling, Inspector Goole, and Eva Smith.
- Exampe AIC essay responses.docx
Four essay responses - a grade 7, a grade 5/6, a grade 8/9 and a grade 4.