• Admissions Form (for Sept 2025)

Admissions Form (for Sept 2025)

Please allow plenty of time to complete this form fully, as changes cannot be made online after submission. Once completed, please click the 'Submit' button at the bottom of the page.

Data Protection

The school does share your data with appropriate third parties under The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679). Further details can be found in the Data Protection Policy on the school website.


Student's Legal Forename(s) *
Student's Middle name(s)
Student's Legal Surname *
Student's Chosen Forename (if different from above)
Student's Chosen Surname (if different from above)
Date of Birth *
Sex *
Gender Identity *
Pronoun(s) *
Home telephone number *
Address *
Postcode *
Is this young person cared for by the Local Authority, 'A Looked After Child'? *
If YES, state which Local Authority and provide contact details
Is there a Court Order relating to this child? *
If YES, provide details


Does the child have siblings at William Howard School? *
Sibling 1 Name
Sibling 1 Date of Birth
Sibling 2 Name
Sibling 2 Date of Birth
Sibling 3 Name
Sibling 3 Date of Birth


Medical Practice *
Medical Practice Telephone Number
Medical Practice Address
Does your child suffer from any particular medical conditions requiring treatment, including medication e.g. asthma, allergies etc?
If YES, please provide details
Does your child have any food allergies or dietary requirements?
Other food allergies/dietary requirements. Please give details.
Is your child allergic to any medication, e.g. penicillin, elastoplasts? *
If YES, please provide details
When did your child last receive a tetanus injection? *
Any further information which staff should be aware of to support wellbeing/mental health?
If YES, please provide details


School Name
School Telephone Number
School Address
Local Education Authority (if outside Cumbria)
Type of School
If you are applying for Sixth Form, please provide us with your UCI Number


If appropriate, please provide details of any ‘key workers’ that could help us in supporting your child, such as Social Workers, Connexions PA, Education Welfare Officers, health or other professionals:

Key Worker Name
Key Worker Position
Key Worker Contact Number

General Comments

General comments and any information in relation to your child's friend choices can be included here.  If there is something which particularly requires discussion, please contact Mrs Buckley as early as possible.(email: kbuckley@williamhoward.cumbria.sch.uk)



Please complete details of all contacts below. This may include natural parents, main carers, any person with parental responsibility, grandparents, other relatives etc. Put the main resident parent(s) at the top, and include any non-resident parent (with whom the child does not normally live). The school needs a minimum of 2 contacts in case of any emergency. Priority 1 indicates that this person will be telephoned first in the event that we need to make contact for any reason during the school day, e.g. if the child is unwell, and will also receive text messages via our texting service. Priority 2 will be contacted if Priority 1 is unavailable and so on. 

If emergency contact is not practical on a day to day basis, due to distance or any other reason, please attach additional details if appropriate.

School correspondence will only be sent to the student’s home address stated above, unless requested otherwise.


Contact 1 Relationship to Child
Contact 1 Parental Responsibility?
Contact 1 Does the student live with this contact?
Contact 1 Title
Contact 1 Forename
Contact 1 Surname
Contact 1 Address
Contact 1 Postcode
Contact 1 Home Tel
Contact 1 Mobile Tel
Contact 1 Work Tel
Contact 1 Place of work
Contact 1 Home e mail Address
Contact 1 Work e mail Address
Please indicate your preferred contact number
Please indicate your preferred e mail address


Contact 2 Relationship to Child
Contact 2 Parental Responsibility?
Contact 2 Does the student live with this contact?
Contact 2 Title
Contact 2 Forename
Contact 2 Surname
Contact 2 Address
Contact 2 Postcode
Contact 2 Home Tel
Contact 2 Mobile Tel
Contact 2 Work Tel
Contact 2 Place of work
Contact 2 Home e mail Address
Contact 2 Work e mail Address
Please indicate your preferred contact number
Please indicate your preferred e mail address


Contact 3 Relationship to Child
Contact 3 Parental Responsibility?
Contact 3 Does the student live with this contact?
Contact 3 Title
Contact 3 Forename
Contact 3 Surname
Contact 3 Address
Contact 3 Postcode
Contact 3 Home Tel
Contact 3 Mobile Tel
Contact 3 Work Tel
Contact 3 Place of work
Contact 3 Home e mail Address
Contact 3 Work e mail Address
Please indicate your preferred contact number
Please indicate your preferred e mail address


Contact 4 Relationship to Child
Contact 4 Parental Responsibility?
Contact 4 Does the student live with this contact?
Contact 4 Title
Contact 4 Forename
Contact 4 Surname
Contact 4 Address
Contact 4 Postcode
Contact 4 Home Tel
Contact 4 Mobile Tel
Contact 4 Work Tel
Contact 4 Place of work
Contact 4 Home e mail Address
Contact 4 Work e mail Address
Please indicate your preferred contact number
Please indicate your preferred e mail address


The school is obliged by the Department for Education (DfE) to provide the following data:

Tick the appropriate category. The choices that are provided are set by the DfE. Children over the age of 11 are considered old enough, with parental consultation to decide their own ethnicity.

Ethnicity information provided by
Religious Affiliation
Please provide brief details of any disabilities


Mode of Travel
(Pick the one you expect your child to use most often)
First Language
Please state the language that your child uses at home and in the community
Parents serving in armed forces.
Do either or both parents (with parental responsibility) serve in the regular armed forces (Army/Navy/RAF)
If yes, have the parent(s) been assigned Personal Status Category 1 or 2 by the Secretary of State for Defence?


Sex Education - Please read (click here)

Please note if you wish to withdraw your child from sex education this will only be accepted once the relevant withdrawal form has been completed and submitted to the Headteacher. The form can be located in Appendix 3 of the Relationships and Sex Education Policy found here: Policies - William Howard School.

Do you consent to your child participating in sex education?

Publicity Consent - Please read (click here)

During the school year there may be opportunities to publicise some of the activities that your child is involved with. This may involve photographing or filming students for:

  • Use in publicity materials including internal school displays, newsletters, marketing materials
  • Use on the school’s or trust’s website and social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube)
  • In the media (newspapers, TV, radio)

As a school we welcome these opportunities and hope that, as parents, you do too.

Photography or filming will only occur with permission and under the supervision of a member of school staff. Where filming or photography is carried out by the media, students will only be named when there is good reason e.g. celebrations & achievements etc. A child’s home address will never be disclosed.

Please note that web applications mean that information is available worldwide, including countries where there is no data protection legislation.

To comply with the Data Protection Act 2018, we need your permission before taking images of your child. The permission will last for the whole of your child’s education at this school. You can ask to see the images of your child held by the school and you may withdraw your consent at any time. This request should be made in writing to your child’s Student Manager.

Please read our General Data Protection Regulation policy (available on our website or via the school office) and indicate whether you agree to your child’s images being taken. You have the option to indicate whether you consent to your child’s images being taken and used for different school related purposes.

For data protection and safeguarding purposes, we ask that parents who take photographs or recordings of any school productions involving anyone else’s children, do not upload these images and videos to social media and youtube accounts.
Do you consent to your child’s image being published in media which school directly controls, including school displays, newsletters, the prospectus, the school website and social media domains (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)? *
Do you consent to your child’s image and voice recordings being published in media which school does not directly control, i.e. outside organisations such as local news media (eg, the Cumberland News) and other school websites publicising events that your child participated in, etc. *

DECLARATION: I understand that any images or voice recordings I might take at school events must not be used inappropriately and cannot be shared publicly (including being uploaded to social media) without suitable consent from everyone in them.


This will be used for all out of school, non-residential visits & fixtures that last no longer than a day.

Please read (click here)

 I understand that:

  • I will be informed by letter of the dates, events taking place, transport arrangements and all other details of each school visit prior to it taking place and I will have the opportunity to revoke this consent at any time if, in a particular situation, I wish to do so.
  • My specific permission will be sought for any out-of-school activities and visits beyond those outlined above and which could involve commitment to extended journeys, time, expense or hazards.
  • All reasonable care will be taken of my child in respect of the activity/visit.
  • My child will be under an obligation to obey all directions given and observe all rules and regulations governing the visit/activity and will be subject to all normal school discipline during the visit/activity.
  • I will notify the school of any change to the medical information below.
  • I will inform the school of any changes to my child’s contact details.
  • The school’s insurance covers all authorised off-site educational activities.
  • I will notify the school as soon as possible if my child comes into contact with a contagious or infectious disease shortly before attending an educational trip or visit.
I agree to my child participating in out of school visits and other recognised off-site activities which last no longer than one day. *
Does your child suffer from travel sickness? *
For activities that take place in or near water, please tick the appropriate box to indicate the swimming ability of your child: *

Issue of Medication (click to read)

Medication (including painkillers), which your child brings with them, must be clearly labelled with their name and dosage and handed into the group leader. Under normal circumstances, your child would then need to request these as required and self-administer. However, it may be considered safe and practical for your child to hold small supplies of some medication (such as creams and nasal sprays) themselves. If so, this must be discussed and agreed with the group leader in advance. Please note that any emergency medication (such as inhalers, epi-pens, insulin, etc.) must be brought to the attention of the group leader. However, the young person would normally hold and take responsibility for these themselves for immediate use when required.

In all instances we will only allow a child to attend a trip if, where relevant, there are two epi-pens/inhalers. Your child carries one and the group leader will take a second emergency epi-pen/salbutamol inhaler, which we hold in our Student Services Centre. We ask parents to ensure that your child carries their epi-pen/inhaler at all times. Epi-pens held in school should be replaced, as necessary, by parents.

In exceptional circumstances, parents can make special requests for school personnel to administer medication. On such occasions, parents need to make a request in writing, to the group leader, well in advance of the trip departure date. Approval from the group leader and the Headteacher will be required. When reasonably practical to do so, and on the voluntary agreement of the staff concerned, special arrangements will be made.

We use the information we hold on our school’s Management Information System, including medical information and emergency contact details, for your child when they participate in any Educational Trip or Visit. It is of paramount importance that all information held on the school’s Management Information System is up to date; therefore, if any details for your child have changed it is imperative that you contact our Data Officer immediately. It is essential that, when conducting trips, all the information held for your child is current.

Insurance Information (click to read)

All authorised off-site educational activities are automatically covered by the school insurance. This cover is provided by the Department for Education’s Risk Protection Arrangements.

A copy of the school’s insurance certificate is available on the school website.

DECLARATION: I agree to my child receiving medication as instructed and any emergency dental, medical or surgical treatment, including anaesthetic or blood transfusion, as considered necessary by the medical authorities present. I understand the extent and limitations of the insurance cover provided. I confirm that the contact details given above are to be used in the event of an emergency or in the event of my child being returned home for some other legitimate reason and that at least one of the named contacts will be available throughout the duration of each off-site visit.


Please acknowledge that you have read and agree to the following documents:

Home-School Agreement

I have read and agreed to the Home-School Agreement
I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy

ICT including the Internet, learning platforms, email and mobile technologies and online resources have become an important part of learning in our school. We expect all students to be safe and responsible when using any ICT. It is essential that students are aware of online safety and know how to stay safe when using any ICT.

Students are expected to read and discuss this agreement with their parent and follow the terms included. Any concerns or explanation can be discussed with their class teacher or Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Online Safety Rules & Acceptable Use Agreement

I (student) have read and agreed to the IT Acceptable Use Agreement
I (parent) have read and agreed to the IT Acceptable Use Agreement


Name of Parent responsible for completing this form *

Please click on the blue submit button below once the whole form is completed.

Please leave the next box blank or your submission will not be accepted: