• Parents Work Experience Agreement & Disclaimer (Year 12-2024)

Parents Work Experience Agreement & Disclaimer (Year 12-2024)

Students' Agreement:

As the named student, I agree to take part in this work experience scheme. To hold in confidence any information about the employer's business which I may obtain during this work period and not to disclose such information to another person without the employer's permission.

Please complete the details below.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Hill (thill@williamhoward.cumbria.sch.uk)

  1. Student's first name *
  2. Student's surname *

Form Group *

Please indicate either (tick a or b):

a) He/she does not suffer from any medical condition which could result in an unnecessary risk to his/her health or safety or to the safety of another person. *
b) He/she suffers from medical conditions (details given below) that should be advised to the employer.
If selected (b), please give medical conditions here.

As a parent of the student named above, I agree to his/her taking part in this scheme and I undertake that he/she will observe the conditions set out. I note that a risk assessment will be sent home with my child in due course. 

  1. Your name *
  2. Date

Parental Disclaimer

We require you to agree to the following disclaimer if:

  • the placement is taking place out of Cumbria
  • or completion of Work Experience forms falls outside of the Cumbria Work Experience deadline (meaning they are unable to conduct a risk assessment on behalf of the school)
  • or Cumbria Work Experience are not able to sign off a Risk Assessment for chosen placement

I, the undersigned agree to take full responsibility for my child during his/her Work Experience Placement from Monday 1st July to Friday 5th July 2024.

Parent name:

By clicking SUBMIT below, I confirm that I have read and understood this form.

Please leave the next box blank or your submission will not be accepted: